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Use AirSwap

AirSwap is an open-source community that powers the original peer-to-peer DEX: efficient swaps without slippage or counter-party risk. AirSwap works on Linea! You can use it to swap any ERC20 tokens bridged to Linea. The following guide will demonstrate how to perform different kinds of swaps. See the glossary for more detail. Read more about AirSwap at

AirSwap on Linea testnet is available at

Switch to Linea​

To use AirSwap on Linea, ensure your wallet is connected and the "Linea-Goerli" network is selected.


Do an OTC (over-the-counter) Swap​

An OTC swap is between you and another person, with price negotiated by chat, email, or phone. Either you or the counter-party makes an "order" and shares it with the other party to be taken. OTC is available for any ERC20 token on Linea. To perform an OTC swap you must have another person available to swap.

Make an Order​

First, one party needs to make and sign an order.


  1. Ensure your wallet is connected and the "Linea-Goerli" network is selected.
  2. Click "OTC" on the left toolbar to make a new order.
  3. Select tokens you'd like to swap and input amounts.
  4. Click "Review" and "Sign" to make the order. You may need to approve first.
  5. Click "Copy Link" and share it with your counter-party.

Take an Order​

You should have received a link from your counter-party.


  1. Ensure your wallet is connected and the "Linea-Goerli" network is selected.
  2. Review the terms and click "Take" to take the order.
  3. Click on your wallet on the top right to track the transaction.
  4. Once complete the tokens will have been swapped.

Do an RFQ (request-for-quote) Swap​

An RFQ swap is between you and a remote server, with price automatically provided by a maker that you may choose to take. RFQ is only available for USDT and USDC on Linea testnet. To perform an RFQ swap you must hold a balance in one of either USDT or USDC to proceed.


  1. Ensure your wallet is connected and the "Linea-Goerli" network is selected.
  2. Select USDT and USDC (or vice-versa) tokens.
  3. Input an amount up to 100 USDT or USDC.
  4. Review the terms and click "Take" to take the order.
  5. Click on your wallet on the top right to track the transaction.
  6. Once complete the tokens will have been swapped.

Join us on Discord​

If you have any issues trying out AirSwap on Linea join our Discord server at